Special leave in case of death: things to know and things not known

The death of a loved one is a painful event that leaves no one untouched. As an employee, it can be difficult to deal with loss while meeting work obligations. In Germany, employees are entitled to special leave in the event of a death. But know exactly what rules to follow and what your rights are?
The term "special leave is familiar to many, but not everyone knows what types of special leave exist and under what circumstances you can request it. In this article, we will focus on special leave for death and discuss everything you should know about it.
We will explain who is eligible for special leave, how long the leave can last, and what documents must be provided. We’ll also cover important details, such as whether you can extend special leave if you haven’t had enough time to prepare for the funeral. So if you’re in a similar situation or just curious, read on!

What is special leave?

Special leave is time off that an employee can request from their employer under certain circumstances. This leave can be granted for various reasons, such as the birth of a child or marriage. Another reason for special leave can be a death in the family or close friends.

If an employee loses a loved one, employers can usually grant a special leave of absence. This period is usually defined by the employment contract or collective bargaining agreement. During the special leave, the employee will continue to receive his or her salary, as it is a statutory leave of absence. However, there are differences in the duration of special leave depending on how closely the deceased was related to the employee.

The length of special leave varies from country to country. In Germany e.g. an employee may claim up to five days for the death of a relative within the first degree (spouse, parents, siblings, and children). Three days of special leave may be requested for the death of a relative in the second and third degree (grandparents, grand siblings, aunts, uncles, brothers-in-law, parents-in-law and grandchildren). Some industries and collective bargaining agreements may also provide for longer leaves of absence for bereavement.

Special leave in case of death: things to know and things not known

It is important to emphasize that special leave for death is not a vacation in the traditional sense, but a leave of absence so that the employee can take care of legal, organizational or emotional matters. However, employers have the right to request a certificate or proof of this, such as e.g. A death certificate or an invitation to the funeral. Employees should therefore clarify in advance what evidence is required to apply for the special leave.

When do you get a special leave in case of death?

A difficult question to which there is no blanket answer. Some employers grant employees special leave when a close relative dies, while others do not. A special leave can vary depending on the company and the industry.

However, there are certain legal provisions in Germany that entitle employees to a certain number of days of special leave in the event of a death in the family. Typically, this is at least two to three days, but can be up to five days in some cases. However, these legal regulations may vary from company to company and may also be determined by collective agreements and works agreements.

It is also important to note that eligibility for special leave usually applies only to the death of a close relative, such as parents, spouse or children. In some cases, special leave may also be granted for deaths of grandparents or siblings, but this is not the case in all companies and industries.

It is therefore advisable to find out before a death what regulations apply in your company and in your industry, in order to be prepared in the event of a case and to be able to apply for the special leave appropriately.

How long does the special leave last in the event of a death??

In the event of a death in the family or among close friends, one often has the right to special leave. But how long does this leave actually last?

Generally, special leave is not regulated by the Federal Leave Act, but is specified in collective bargaining agreements or company agreements. As a rule, however, special leave is between one and five days.

It is important not to confuse special leave for a death with normal leave entitlement. The special leave is an additional entitlement and does not have to be deducted from the normal vacation days.

However, there are exceptions in which the special leave may last longer. For example, in the event of an accidental death or sudden illness of a family member, a longer period of special leave is often requested. Here you should inform yourself in advance, however, exactly which regulations apply in your company.

  • As a rule, special leave is between one and five days.
  • It is important to note that special leave is an additional entitlement.
  • In the case of exceptions such as accidental death or sudden illness, however, special leave can be requested for a longer period.

What salary do I get during special leave?

If you need to take special leave due to a death in the family, you are entitled to a certain amount of pay and benefits. However, this depends on a number of factors.

First of all, it is important to know whether or not you are employed under a collective bargaining agreement. If you are employed under a collective agreement, the relevant collective agreement regulates the issue of salary during special leave. In many cases, employees are paid their full salary or a reduced salary for a certain period of time.

If you are not employed under a collective bargaining agreement, the employment contract usually specifies how much salary you will receive during special leave. However, there is often room for maneuver and negotiation between employer and employee here.

As a general rule, wage and salary payments for special leave may vary depending on individual cases. Therefore, it is a good idea to talk to your employer in advance about the exact terms of the special leave and clarify any issues you may have.

Special leave in the event of death: everything you didn’t know but should know!

When a loved one dies, it is difficult for many employees to go to work and complete their daily tasks. For this reason, labor law offers special leave in the event of death. But will vacation days be deducted for it?

The answer is no. The special leave for death will not be deducted from your normal leave. It is an additional leave entitlement granted for this specific purpose.

However, there are a few things you should know. First, your employer may require that you provide a death certificate or other proof to confirm eligibility for special leave. Second, special leave may be limited to a certain number of days – often three to five days.

Regardless of these conditions, you should always contact your employer if you have lost a loved one and need special leave. Together, you can find the best possible solution to help you and your family during this difficult time.

Special leave in case of death: things to know and things not known

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