Increase in compulsory long-term care insurance contributions for soldiers from 01.07.2021

As of next month, the contributions for compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers will be increased. Soldiers serving in the Bundeswehr and other German armed forces have had their own compulsory long-term care insurance since 2013. Compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers is a special type of statutory health insurance that covers the costs of medical care and nursing care in the event of illness or old age.

The increase in contributions is a response to the growing need for care in society. The contributions in the compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers are calculated according to income. The increase applies to all soldiers who are covered by compulsory long-term care insurance, regardless of their rank or length of service.

Raising premiums on military long-term care insurance is an important step in ensuring that the insurance is adequately funded and can continue to serve its purpose in the future. It should be noted that the increase in contributions is only part of the measures being taken to reform long-term care insurance and improve long-term care in Germany.

The increase in compulsory long-term care insurance contributions for soldiers from 01.07.2021

Compulsory long-term care insurance is a legally required insurance in Germany that provides coverage for financial risks in the event of a need for care. Insurance is compulsory for all persons subject to compulsory insurance and is generally financed jointly by employees and employers. Soldiers and professional soldiers are also subject to compulsory insurance, but they must pay the contributions alone.

As of 01.07.2021, contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers will be increased. The increase is 0.2 percentage points and has become necessary due to the increased costs in the care sector. The increase affects active soldiers as well as reservists and former soldiers. Contributions are deducted directly from salary or pension.

Increase in compulsory long-term care insurance contributions for soldiers from 01.07.2021

Compulsory long-term care insurance is an important component of the German social security system. It guarantees coverage in the event of a need for care and protects against the financial risks that a need for care can entail. The increase in contributions from 01.07.2021 ensures that funding for the long-term care system will continue to be guaranteed and that all those in need of long-term care will be able to receive adequate care.

Why contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers are increasing

From 01.07.Soldiers will have to pay higher contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance in 2021. But why are premiums rising in the first place??

One reason is demographic change. The population in Germany is getting older and older, which means that the need for nursing care services is also increasing. This leads to rising costs in long-term care insurance, which must also be borne by soldiers.

In addition, the rising personnel costs in the care sector will play a role. To ensure the quality of care, it is necessary to pay staff accordingly. However, this also means higher costs for long-term care insurance.

  • Other factors that could lead to rising contributions are:
  • Medical progress and the associated higher costs for medical services
  • Increasing life expectancy and the associated longer need for care
  • Growing demand for outpatient and home care

Reforms and improvements in the nursing care system are necessary to keep nursing care insurance contributions stable. The aim is to ensure good care for all citizens, but at the same time to keep the financial burden on the insured within bounds.

As a soldier, you should inform yourself about the exact contribution rates and assessment limits and, if necessary, take out private supplementary insurance to protect yourself against financial burdens in the event of long-term care being required.

Increase in compulsory long-term care insurance contributions for soldiers from 01.07.2021

Calculation of the increased contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers

From 01.07.In 2021, contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers will be increased. But how are these contributions actually calculated?

In principle, contributions to compulsory long-term care insurance are calculated on the basis of gross income. The higher the income, the higher the contribution. However, the exact amount of the contribution depends on other factors, such as marital status and the number of children.

However, there is a special feature for soldiers: they pay their own rate for compulsory long-term care insurance, which has been adjusted for some years now. From 01.07.In 2021, soldiers will also have to pay a higher contribution.

Soldiers can find out the exact amount of the contribution from their health insurance company. Further questions on the calculation and effects of the contribution increase can also be answered there.

It is also advisable to look into the various rates and offers of the health insurance companies. Because there can be differences in contributions and benefits depending on the health insurance company.

  • In summary:
  • The increased contributions in the compulsory long-term care insurance for soldiers are calculated on the basis of gross income.
  • Soldiers pay a separate rate for compulsory long-term care insurance.
  • The exact amount of the contribution also depends on marital status and the number of children.
  • Soldiers can check with their health insurance provider to find out exactly how much they will pay and to learn about rates and offers.

Affected soldiers and the increase in long-term care insurance premiums

From 01.07.In 2021, affected soldiers must expect an increase in contributions for compulsory long-term care insurance. This increase generally affects all soldiers who are covered under the mandatory health insurance plan.

However, those affected by the increase will not only have to pay higher premiums. There are also changes in the benefits of compulsory long-term care insurance. For example, the contribution rate for childless people will be increased.

Affected soldiers should therefore take action early and inform themselves about the exact effects of the increase. It is advisable to check your individual situation and, if necessary, take out private supplementary long-term care insurance.

  • Important questions for affected soldiers:
  • Am I affected by the increase??
  • What impact will the increase have on my benefits?
  • Should I purchase supplemental private long-term care insurance?

Ultimately, each soldier must decide for himself how he wants to deal with the increase. However, it is important to deal with the issue at an early stage in order to avoid financial losses and to be adequately provided for in the event of care being required.

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